Frequently Asked Questions

Customer Service Associate

My candidate account

Need to reset my account password
Chevron Down
My email address is already in the system
Chevron Down
I need to confirm or edit information my profile
Chevron Down
I am being asked to provide a username in order to reset my password
Chevron Down

My application

How do I apply? Can I reapply?
Chevron Down
Can I apply in person or send my resume?
Chevron Down
What is the status of my application?
Chevron Down
Why was my application rejected?
Chevron Down
Why was my application withdrawn?
Chevron Down
I accidentally answered "No" to a question and couldn't finish my application.
Chevron Down
I would like to withdraw my application
Chevron Down
The assessment page will not load.
Chevron Down
I received an error about leaving questions blank
Chevron Down
Need to confirm my schedule.
Chevron Down
I have a medical disability (eg. Hearing, sight etc)
Chevron Down
I am unable to complete the online assessment due to a hearing or speech impairment. What should I do?
Chevron Down
I would like to request a non-medical accommodation for school, religion, childcare, shift/schedule, transportation.
Chevron Down

My background check

Background check
Chevron Down

My job offer

What is the status of my job offer?
Chevron Down
I have been assigned a schedule but I need to request a change
Chevron Down
How/When will I receive my contract?
Chevron Down
How can I attach the documents requested in my profile?
Chevron Down
How many days/hours a week am I scheduled to work?
Chevron Down

My first day on amazon

Where should I present myself on day 1?
Chevron Down
Is there a specific dress code for Amazon?
Chevron Down

My online new hire paperwork

How do I reset my password for MyDocs?
Chevron Down
I have not received instructions on how to complete my new hire paperwork
Chevron Down
Is my new hire paperwork complete?
Chevron Down
I am experiencing an error when trying to complete the paperwork
Chevron Down
How do I log in?
Chevron Down